
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Abstracts and full articles will be published online in the open access format by Blucher Proceedings at no cost. Each article and abstract will be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, which is its permanet ISBN on the internet and will be integrated in Google Scholar, the Lattes Platform and CrossRef . Peer reviewing will be performed by the symposium scientific committee and ad hoc reviewers when necessary.

Authors must follow this template for abstract submissions. The abstract in this format is necessary even if you are sending a full article.

Authors may also submit full articles following this template.


Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. The space of the  abstract  must not exceed half of an A4 page.
  2. Abstracts should contain the following: Background/problem statement, Objective(s), Methods, Results, Conclusions. References are not obligatory.
  3. A maximum of 1 image/graph can be included in the abstract. Image should be of high resolution, comprehensible and embedded within the Word file.
  4. All abstracts should be submitted in clear English.

  5. Left margin must be 3cm and the right margin 2cm.
  6. Follow this Template document

  7. Only two submissions will be accepted per person